Thursday, October 23, 2008

On visiting mac...

Getting off the GO today and looking around campus, I really felt the panic of my age set in...I turned 23 a few days ago, and yet it didn't hit me (until I got to mac) seeing as how I'm surrounded by the vastness that is York.

Being back to my old home, boy do I miss Mac, and seeing all these 17 yr olds. run around doing exciting things (much like I did) made me incredibly envious. Mostly because I loved the adrenaline rush of a completely new environment, the expectation that the best is yet to come and the sheer joy of being around people my age all the damn time.

I hung out with my sis, which was nothing short of trippy. You see, my sister is 5 yrs. my junior so when I see her doin grown up things I get flash back of walking her to JK and it psychs me right the f%*@ out. In those few hours though, sharing that time with her, I was so proud of her and so excited for her. When I think that she is following in my footsteps it gives me strength and hope for the rest of my family that have yet to discover the wonders of higher education. That's the problem with family money and businesses folks, ya get too damn comfortable cuz you know you'll always be 'taken care of' so to speak...

So here's to education, one of the greatest privileges and blessings in my life.

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