Monday, September 22, 2008

My shameless plug for Equal Voice

So i've been a member of Equal Voice, which is a "multi-partisan, non-profit organization devoted to the still-bold idea that more women must be elected to every level of government in Canada," for many years as a student. I think that changing the face of politics in Canada requires the election of more women not least of which because we live in a world made by men, for men. The way we 'do' politics is not working, we hate the players (men and women) but perhaps it is the game that needs to be re-evaluated to ensure that it matches the culture, values and demographics of our nation. This is, in part, why I am so fascinated with the political process and the people who are-genuinely-dedicated to making it better for future generations. To say that we have a long way to go would be an understatement, but alas this is a starting point.

Note: While I like the feminist approach to this organization- For this campaign in particular, "Take our girls to vote," I would open up to all children because I am firm believer in youth empowerment.

The take our Girls to Vote campaign launched by Equal Voice calls out to any voter/politician to make a pledge to take a girl (I'd say child) to the polls with you on election day to kick-start their interest in the political process, as well as to combat voter apathy!

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