Monday, September 22, 2008

the woah factor

its always eerie when you hear of friends, ex-lovers or people you know in general who are around your age and getting engaged, or left that, getting married!

its a common occurrence these days, i guess its expected since i turn 23 way too soon for life... but i'm kind of lucky in that i'm the baby of the crew... so its natural that my place shall come near the end (thankfully). I guess when i think about it, that chapter of my life seems far, far away-probably b/c there's no one i could remotely picture spending the rest of my life with-yet.

its a reality check in many ways, because i imagine many of us will hit that stage of our lives and its kind of all-consuming. a friend of mine just emailed me and told me he was engaged, which prompted this post, and i thought-woah. He's many years older than me, so it shouldn't be a surprise, but it very much here's to the couple, i wish you the very best in life, love and happiness, be good to her A.

thats all i got for now...


"Its a paradox we call reality, so keepin it real will make you a casualty of abnormal normality." Talib Kweli.

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